Privacy Information

Data Protection Policy Information of CityWatches (also known as "the Website")

1.0. CityWatches explains how we handle data, the legal bases for it, and the pursuit of legitimate business interests by CityWatches or associated third parties, as well as categories of recipients.

1.1. Visiting Our Websites/Applications

  • Cookies, Log-Files, Tracking, Social Media Plugins.

Whenever you hop on our website, data is sent over the internet to our web server(s). This happens via the internet browser of the device you’re using. The data we collect is stored in temporary log files. These log files hold onto the following data until they’re automatically deleted: date and time you accessed the info, name of the webpage you asked for, referrer URL (if you came through a link), IP address of the device, load time, volume of data transferred, and other info like browser version and the name of your internet service provider.

CityWatches uses ‘cookies’, tracking tools, and targeting methods along with social media plug-ins. To gather this data, a cookie might be set on your computer or device when you visit our services. Cookies carry a small amount of info that allows our web servers to recognise you. We store info collected through cookies, log files, and/or clear gifs to record your preferences. We might also automatically gather info about your use of our services, the functionality of our services, how often you visit, and other info related to your interactions with our services.

CityWatches can legally get and process the IP address as stated in Article 6 (1) (f) GDPR. We need this info to:

  • Make sure you have a comfy user experience on our website and/or app (or both),
  • Ensure a smooth transfer of data,
  • Keep data secure.
    We’d like to confirm that with the above info, we can’t directly establish your identity or infer other personal details.

All data collected is automatically deleted when it’s no longer needed.
As long as we don’t use your data for advertising purposes (see below 1.3), we store the data collected to complete the purchase. The duration of such storage is dictated by necessity, like statutory or potential contractual warranty and guarantee rights.

Furthermore, after the expiry of the above period, information is kept to fulfill our legal obligation to the commercial and tax laws.

To process a purchase via our websites/app, the following additional data processing is required:

  • Your payment data will be encrypted and securely passed on to our payment service providers to process your payment. 
  • Information such as your delivery address, email, and phone number is passed on to our logistics and shipping partners so they can send you (and us) notifications once the product is shipped and the expected delivery date.
  • The logistics partner(s) might contact you to work out a suitable delivery time.

1.2.2. Creditworthiness and Transmission to Credit Bureaus

CityWatches generally offers its customers the option of purchasing goods using secure payment methods.
Generally speaking, there are two types of payment mechanisms offered:

  • Secure, online
  • Non-secure, offline

To protect our business interests, CityWatches might, in certain instances, check the creditworthiness of its customers before allowing the use of insecure payment methods.
Within this framework, CityWatches is entitled to use negative credit information collected for the respective customer.

Furthermore, CityWatches can provide negative credit information about the customer to other business associates of CityWatches. This is done to minimise the prospect of losses due to fraud.

In cases where a customer opts to use insecure means of payment, CityWatches is entitled to use credit information obtained to calculate the probability of non-payment and fraud. This calculation is done via internal scoring based on a recognised mathematical statistical procedure. The data used in internal scoring results from a combination of the following data categories: address data, age, desired payment terms, order path, and assortment groups. As part of the internal scoring, only data indicated by the customer is used. We can also obtain credit information about you from an external credit agency.

For the purpose of soliciting credit information, the following info is sent to the external credit reporting agency: first name, last name, postal address, date of birth.

As part of the credit check, we can decide by means of an automated process whether you are granted the desired insecure payment method (instalment/invoice payment). For example, when submitting a negative credit report by an information agency or when calculating an insufficient score within the scope of the internal scoring, a rejection of the desired payment method can be carried out automatically. You can assert the right for us to review the automated decision manually. In addition, you have the right to make your own views known and challenge the decision.

Your data is processed as part of the credit check based on Article 6 (1) (b) DSGVO and Article 6 (1) (f) GDPR. We have a legitimate interest in executing a credit check when selecting an insecure payment method (instalment/invoice purchase).

1.2.3. Use of Data for Fraud Prevention Purposes

The info you provide when placing an order can be used to check if there’s any unusual ordering activity (for example, ordering a large number of goods to the same address using different customer accounts). Generally, there's a legitimate interest in conducting such a review. The legal basis for this processing is Article 6 (1) (f) GDPR.

1.2.4. Transmission of Data to Transport

We work with logistics service providers, transport companies, and shipping partners. The following data may be shared with them for delivering the goods or for announcing their arrival: first name, last name, postal address, email address, and phone number (e.g., for delivery notifications). The legal basis for this processing is Article 6 (1) (b) GDPR.

1.2.5. Transmission of Data on Outstanding Claims to Collection Service Providers

If you don’t settle outstanding invoices or instalments despite repeated reminders, we may forward the necessary data for collection to a debt collection agency for fiduciary collection. Alternatively, we can sell the outstanding claims to a debt collection agency, which then becomes the debtor and claims in its own name. CityWatches may work with contracted debt collection service providers. The legal basis for transferring data for fiduciary collection is Article 6 (1) (b) GDPR; the transmission of data for selling receivables is based on Article 6 (1) (f) GDPR.

1.2.6. Transmission of Data to Partner Companies

You have the opportunity to use third-party offers on our platform. In these cases, you might enter into a contract directly with our partner, to whom the data required for the contract (e.g., first name, last name, billing and delivery address, email address, billing and payment data, date of birth, phone number) is transmitted. Such benefits offered by our partners are recognisable as partner offers. The legal basis for this data processing is Article 6 (1) (b), (f) GDPR. Items from Other Sellers

To offer our customers a larger and more attractive selection, CityWatches works with selected partners who offer their products and services on their own behalf and account on the CityWatches online portal.

If you order a partner item, a contract can only be made between you and the partner. When ordering such an item, the general terms and conditions and possibly the privacy policy of the partner apply. These might differ from the general terms and conditions of CityWatches. By placing your order or, for example, processing special categories of personal data (Article 9 GDPR) by express consent, you accept the partner's privacy policy. In this case, CityWatches is not your contractual partner and is not responsible for compliance with data protection law by the partner.

If you order several items from different partners, each seller's respective terms and conditions and privacy policy apply to each item. Your data necessary for the transaction (first name, last name, address, date of birth, phone number, and email address) will be stored by CityWatches and passed on to our partner to fulfil the contract. This may include using your email address to send information about your order.

1.3. Data Processing for Advertising Purposes

1.3.1. Advertising

We have a legitimate interest in using your information for marketing purposes. We use the following data for our own marketing and third-party marketing purposes: first name, last name, postal address, and year of birth.

Additionally, we are allowed to store extra personal data about you in compliance with legal requirements for your own marketing purposes and for the marketing purposes of third parties. The aim is to provide you with ads that are oriented solely to your actual or perceived needs and not to bother you with irrelevant ads.

The transmission of the added data to third parties is not possible. Additionally, CityWatches pseudonymises/anonymises personal data collected about you for the purpose of using the pseudonymised/anonymised data for its own marketing purposes as well as for marketing purposes of third parties (advertisers).

The pseudonymised/anonymised data can also be used to advertise online individually, where third-party service providers and/or agencies can control advertising. The legal basis for the use of personal data for marketing purposes is Article 6 (1) (f) GDPR.

Reference to the Right of Objection

You can object to the use of your personal data for the aforementioned marketing purposes at any time, free of charge, with effect for the future, at If you object, your data will be blocked from further processing.

1.3.2. Newsletter

On our websites/applications, we offer you the chance to subscribe to our newsletter through the sign-up box. To make sure no mistakes happen when entering your email address, we use what’s called the double opt-in procedure (DOI procedure). After you’ve popped your email address into the registration field and given your go-ahead to receive our newsletter, we’ll send you a confirmation link to the specified address. Only when you click this confirmation link will your email address be added to our mailing list for sending our newsletter. The legal basis for this data processing is Article 6 (1) (a) GDPR.

 If you decide to get our newsletter during the checkout process, we’ll add you to our mailing list. In this case, there’s no double opt-in needed.

Notice of Withdrawal

You can pull the plug on your consent at any time with effect for the future by sending a message to or by opting out at the end of each newsletter.

1.4. Online Appearance and Website Optimisation

1.4.1. Cookies – General Information

We use cookies on various pages to make your visit to our website more appealing, enable certain functions, and keep track of how the website is being used. When you visit our site, cookies are small text files that your browser automatically creates and stores on your device (laptop, tablet, smartphone, etc.). Cookies won’t harm your device and don’t contain any nasties like viruses, Trojans, or other malicious software. The cookie information is stored and linked to the specific device used. However, this doesn’t mean we instantly know who you are.

Most of the cookies we use get deleted after your browser session ends (so-called session cookies). These allow us to offer you features like a cross-page shopping cart, where you can see how many items are in your basket and the current total. Other cookies stick around on your computer and let us recognise it the next time you visit (so-called permanent or cross-session cookies). These cookies make our site more user-friendly, effective, and secure. For example, these files might show you info tailored to your interests.

Of course, you can set up your browser to not store our cookies on your device. The help menu on the menu bar of most web browsers will tell you how to stop your browser from accepting new cookies, how to have your browser notify you when you get a new cookie, or how to delete all cookies you’ve already got and block any new ones.

In Microsoft Edge:

  • From the “Tools” menu, select “Internet Options”.
  • Click on the “Privacy” tab.
  • You can now set the security settings for the Internet zone. Here, you can choose whether and which cookies should be accepted or rejected.
  • Confirm your setting with “OK”.

In Firefox:

  • From the Tools menu, select Settings.
  • Click “Privacy”.
  • In the drop-down menu, select “Create custom settings”.
  • Now, you can set whether to accept cookies, how long you want them to last, and add exceptions to which websites you always or never want to allow cookies.
  • Confirm your setting with “OK”.

In Google Chrome:

  • Click the Chrome menu in the browser toolbar.
  • Now select “Settings”.
  • Click on “Show advanced settings”.
  • Under “Privacy,” click “Content Settings.”
  • Under “Cookies”, you can configure the following settings for cookies:
    • Delete cookies
    • Block cookies by default
    • Delete cookies and website data by default after quitting the browser
    • Allow exceptions for cookies from certain websites or domains

The data collection and storage can be switched off at any time with future effects in this browser.

However, we should point out that you might not be able to use all the functions of this website to the full.

Insofar as these cookies and/or information contained within them are personal data, the legal basis for data processing is Article 6 (1) (f) GDPR. Our interest in optimising our website is considered justified in the sense of the aforementioned provision.

1.4.2. Google Analytics

We use Google Analytics, a web analytics service provided by Google Inc. ("Google"), to design and continuously improve our websites in accordance with Article 6 paragraph 1(f) GDPR. Google Analytics uses "cookies," text files stored on your computer, to allow an analysis of your use of the website. In this context, pseudonymised usage profiles are created, and cookies are used. The information generated by the cookie about your use of this website includes:

  • Browser type/version,
  • Used operating system,
  • Referrer URL (the previously visited page),
  • The hostname of the accessing computer (IP address),
  • Time of the server request.

On behalf of the operator of this website, Google will use this information to evaluate your use of the website, compile reports on website activity, and provide other services related to website activity and internet usage to the website operator. The IP address provided by Google Analytics as part of Google Analytics will not be merged with other Google data. You can prevent the storage of cookies by adjusting your browser settings; however, please note that you may not be able to use all the features of this website to the full extent. You can also opt out of Google Analytics tracking here.

1.4.4. Google AdWords

Our website uses the Google AdWords service. Google AdWords is an online advertising program provided by Google Inc., 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA (“Google”).

We use the remarketing function within the Google AdWords service. The remarketing feature allows us to show users of our website ads based on their interests on other sites within the Google Display Network (on Google itself, so-called “Google Ads” or other websites). For this, we analyse the interaction of users on our website, such as which offers caught their eye, to display targeted ads even after they’ve left our site. Google stores a cookie in the browsers of users who visit certain Google services or websites on the Google Display Network. This number, referred to as a “cookie,” records the visits of these users. This number is used to uniquely identify a web browser on a particular computer and not to identify a person; personal information will not be stored. The legal basis for this data processing is Article 6 (1) (f) GDPR.

You may disable Google's use of cookies by following the link below and downloading and installing the plug-in provided here.

For more information about Google Remarketing and Google’s privacy policy, please visit here.

1.4.5. Google Conversion Tracking
We also use conversion tracking when using the Google AdWords service. When you click on an ad served by Google, a conversion tracking cookie will be placed on your computer/device. These cookies lose their validity after 30 days, contain no personal data, and are not used for personal identification. The information gathered using the conversion cookie is used to generate conversion statistics for AdWords advertisers who have opted for conversion tracking.

The legal basis for this data processing is Article 6 (1) (f) GDPR.
You can prevent the storage of cookies by adjusting your browser settings; however, please note that you may not be able to use all of this website's features to the full extent. Additionally, you can opt out of interest-based ads on Google and interest-based Google ads on the web (within the Google Display Network) in your browser by turning off Google ad settings here. For more information about your preferences and privacy on Google, please visit here.

1.4.7. Targeting

The targeting measures listed below and used by us are implemented based on Article 6 (1) (f) GDPR. We use the targeting measures to ensure that only advertisements based on your actual or supposed interests are displayed on your end devices and that you are not bothered with advertisements that aren’t relevant to you.

1.4.8. Onsite Targeting

Our website uses cookie information to collect and evaluate ad-serving optimisation information. For example, this information may include details about which products you’ve had a gander at on our websites/applications. The collection and evaluation are done exclusively pseudonymously and do not allow us to identify you. In particular, the information will not be matched with personally identifiable information about you. Based on the information, we can show you offers on our site that are specifically geared to your interests, as they result from your previous browsing habits. Retargeting

We also throw in some clever retargeting tech from outside outfits like Facebook Ireland Limited's Pixel. This nifty feature helps us make our online offerings more appealing to you. By doing this, we can focus on those who’ve already shown an interest in our ads online and are keen on our stuff and our mates' products on other sites. Research shows that ads tailored just for you are way more engaging than the usual ones that don’t know you from Adam.

To pull this off, we set a cookie that gathers data about your likes under a pseudonym. Based on what it finds, you'll see ads tailored to your interests on our partners' sites. Don’t worry—we won’t store any personal info, and no user profiles will be tangled up with information that can identify you.

You can switch this data collection off for personalised ads. If you decide to opt out, a cookie will be set that will stop the data gathering unless you choose this cookie in your browser or delete it with the "Delete all cookies" button. You can change your mind about this at any time.

1.4.9. Advertising Partners / Third-party Cookies

We team up with advertising mates to make the stuff on our site even more interesting for you. We use third-party cookies for this, and they keep tabs on your moves and what tickles your fancy when you visit us. This also includes tracking from before your visit to other sites. All this info helps us and our partners show you ads that’ll catch your eye. Just so you know, none of this will be mixed with your personal details.
You can dodge ads from our mates by tweaking the cookie settings in your browser.

1.4.10. Opposition / Opt-out Option

Besides the off switches we've already talked about, you can generally say "no thanks" to the tech we’ve mentioned by setting the right cookie in your browser. Plus, you can turn off preference-based ads using the preference manager available here.

1.5. Social media plug-ins

We’ve thrown in some social plug-ins from Facebook, Google+, and Twitter on our site, thanks to Article 6 (1) (f) GDPR—just doing our bit to jazz up our presence. These plug-ins are all above board when it comes to GDPR compliance, and they’re all managed by their own teams.

Take a peek at the privacy policies we’ve linked below to see what data they’re gathering, how they’re using it, and what your rights and choices are to keep your privacy shipshape.

And just a heads-up, mate: by logging off your social media and giving cookies the boot, you can stop these networks from matching up the info they collect with your account while you’re browsing our site. If you don’t want them linking your details from our website to your profile, just log out before you pop by.

1.5.1. Facebook, Google+ and YouTube

This website’s got some proper social plug-ins from the big names like Facebook and Google (including Google+ and YouTube), all the way from Mountain View, California.

If you’re having a nosey at a page with one of these plug-ins, your browser’s going to link up with Facebook or Google and load the content from their end. Even if you’re not actively using these social plug-ins, just being logged into Facebook or Google means they can track what you’re doing on our site. And if you like, you can use these plug-ins to share a bit of banter with your mates. Keep in mind, we here at CityWatches don’t have a say in what happens to the data once it’s out there.

Facebook and Google are pretty open on their websites about what they collect, how they use it, and how you can manage your privacy. So, if you’re curious, have a look at their privacy policies right here:

1.5.2. Pinterest

This site also features Pinterest plug-ins straight from Pinterest Inc. at 635 High Street, Palo Alto, CA. You can spot them by the “Pin it Button” right here on our site.

Click on that Pinterest “Pin it Button” when you’re logged into your Pinterest account, and you can link what you’re looking at on our pages straight to your Pinterest profile. Just a heads-up, we’re in the dark about what data gets sent to Pinterest and how they use it. For more info, check out Pinterest’s privacy policy: Pinterest Privacy Policy.

1.5.3. X

Thanks to X Inc. at 795 Folsom St., Suite 600, San Francisco, CA, our website also has a bit of X integrated into it. Using X means the websites you visit are linked to your X account and shared with others. This information is also sent to X. Your web browser does the heavy lifting, connecting directly to X’s servers and sending data their way.

Just so you know, we’re not in the loop about what info gets sent to X or how they handle it. 

For more details, check out X’s privacy policy: X Privacy Policy.

You can change your privacy settings on X in the Account Settings here.

1.5.4. Instagram

Our site’s got some Instagram plug-ins from the crew at Instagram Inc., over at 1601 Willow Road, Menlo Park, CA. You’ll spot them by the “Instagram Button” on our page.

Hit that “Instagram Button” when you’re logged into your Insta, and you can link up the stuff you’re eyeing on our site straight to your Instagram profile. Just a heads-up, we’re not in the know about the nitty-gritty of the data Instagram’s handling. For a bit more on that, take a look at Instagram’s privacy policy here.

1.5.5. WhatsApp

We’ve also got a WhatsApp feature here (the WhatsApp Share Button), so you can flick content from our website straight to your WhatsApp chats from your mobile. This button’s a real handy link, but just so you know, no personal info gets passed on until you actually use it. Once you’ve had a go with the WhatsApp button, WhatsApp itself will clock what content’s been shared. For the lowdown on how WhatsApp handles your info, check out their privacy policy here.

1.6. Customer account/user account

To make things as easy as pie for you, we let you stash your personal details in a secure, password-protected customer or user account.

Chucking your data into a customer account is totally up to you, mate. Once you’ve set one up based on Article 6(1)(b) of the GDPR, we handle your info carefully. No need to enter your details every time you log in either. Plus, you can have a gander at and tweak your info anytime.

Are you keen to place orders through our website or app? Then you’ll need to open a customer account—it’s a must for completing our deals.

Alongside the usual details you give us when you order, you’ll need to pick a password to access your account. Keep your login details safe, and don’t let them fall into the wrong hands, especially after you leave our site. It’ll keep you logged in unless you decide to log out yourself.

And if you ever want to bin your customer account, no worries—you can do that whenever you want. Just remember, deleting your account after you’ve bought something from us doesn’t scrub your data straight away due to legal stuff like tax and business records. We keep processing your data as required by Article 6(1)(c) and Article 6(1)(f) of the GDPR.

1.7. Contact

You can drop us a line in a few different ways—email, phone, chat, or even the good old snail mail. When you do reach out, we’ll only use your personal info to have a yarn with you and sort out whatever you need.

The legal stuff backing this up is all under Article 6(1)(a), Article 6(1)(b), Article 6(1)(c) GDPR, and Article 6(1)(f) GDPR.e 6(1)(f) GDPR.

1.8. Customer

When you pop your two cents in on our site, like reviews or comments, we keep your IP addresses on the books for a week or two, just to keep things above board in case someone decides to stir up trouble with dodgy comments or banned rants.

1.9. Other contents of users

Fancy sharing your thoughts? You can sling your own words onto our website, whether it’s reviews, comments, or whatever else, at various points. We handle any personal details you hand over when you make your mark. You can pop your thoughts up under a nickname or just your first name and the initial of your last.

The legalese for handling this data is under Article 6(1)(a), Article 6(1)(b), and Article 6(1)(f) GDPR.

1.10 Payments

We sort out your payment details when you buy something or grab a service off our site. Depending on how you want to settle up, we might have to pass your details along to third parties, like your credit card mob.

The rules we follow for this are laid out in Article 6(1)(a), Article 6(1)(b) of the GDPR, and Article 6(1)(f) GDPR.

1.10.1. PayPal

When you settle in using PayPal, your payment details are sent over to PayPal. They’ve got the option to handle payments through a credit card or direct debit, and sometimes, they even let you buy now and pay later. PayPal might run a credit check to see if they’re good for the money, and this involves some fancy maths to figure out the odds. The results, including what they call ‘score values’, help them make up their minds. These scores are crunched using some serious number-crunching that’s on the up-and-up.

If you’re keen to get into the nitty-gritty of how PayPal looks after your data, including which credit mobs they chat to, take a gander at their privacy policy here: PayPal Privacy Policy. Overview

Along with the ability to withdraw your consent whenever you fancy, you’ve got a few more rights under the rules:

  • The right to check out the personal details we’ve got on you: This means you can see why we're holding onto them, who’s getting a peek, how long we’re keeping them, and where we got them if not directly from you.
  • The right to fix up anything that’s not quite right in your data: If something’s a bit off, you can ask us to sort it out.
  • The right to have your data chucked out: If we don’t need to hang onto your info for legal reasons or to wrap up our dealings, you can tell us to bin it.
  • The right to put a lid on how much we’re processing your info: If you reckon the data isn’t spot-on, you can tell us to put a hold on using it. Bought something through our website from one of our mates? These rights apply to them too. If you need to sort anything, just give them a bell directly.
  • The right to flick your data over smoothly: You can have your info shifted to someone else without hassle, in a format that’s easy for machines to read.
  • The right to have a whinge to the watchdogs: Not happy with how we're handling things? You can take it up with the big bosses.

You can exercise these rights by giving us a shout at

If you’ve bought some gear or services from our mates through the website, the same rights we’ve mentioned apply to them too. Fancy using any of these rights with our partners? Just get in touch with them directly.

You can also take a squiz at any personal info we've got on you; just ask us. Right of Objection

Under Article 21(1) of the GDPR, you can chuck a spanner in the works if you reckon our data handling is a bit off due to your particular circumstances.

This general right to say "nah" applies across the board as per our privacy spiel, which we sort out based on Article 6(1)(f) of the GDPR. Just a heads-up, though—when it comes to ads, we're only obliged to take this objection seriously if you tell us it’s crucial, like it might be risky for your health or something. Right of Withdrawal

As long as we’re using your data with your consent, you can pull the pin on that agreement anytime you like. Just because you withdrew your consent doesn’t mean what we did before you changed your mind was offside.

1.10.6. Data security

All your personal data, including your payment details, is transmitted using the widely accepted and secure SSL (Secure Socket Layer). SSL is a solid and trusted standard also used in online banking. You’ll spot a secure SSL connection by the ‘https’ in the web address or the padlock icon at the bottom of your browser.

We also use proper technical and organisational security measures to protect your personal data from tampering, loss, or unauthorised access by third parties. We’re constantly updating our security measures to keep up with the latest tech developments. Spoofing, spam and phishing warnings

Keeping your data safe is our top priority. Here are some tips to help you out:
Beware of so-called phishing and spoofing attempts.

In this dodgy scam, the brand CityWatches is misused as the supposed sender. This means that some folks might get fake emails pretending to be from CityWatches. These emails often look like they’re from us and might be hard to tell apart from the real deal.
The scammers are trying to take advantage of the trust between CityWatches and our customers to nick sensitive info (like login details, customer info, payment details) or install nasty software (like viruses or Trojans) on your computer or smartphone.

We don’t create these emails or send anything out from CityWatches, even if it looks like it’s from us. Unfortunately, we can’t stop these dodgy emails from being sent.
Here are some signs that an email might be from CityWatches:

  • CityWatches doesn’t ask for your personal info by email, nor do we ask you to confirm personal info via a link in an email.
  • You’ll only get order confirmations and invoices from us for orders you’ve actually made.
  • We only send emails with attachments if you’ve specifically asked for them (like operating instructions).
  • Emails from us should have no spelling or grammatical errors, as we always proofread before sending.

How to properly handle spam, phishing and spoofing emails:

  • We recommend you delete suspicious emails straight away.
  • Never open links or attachments in suspicious emails or disclose personal info.
  • If you accidentally click on links in a dodgy email, change your website password immediately under My Account. Also, do a virus scan on your computer.
  • If any weird or suspicious info about orders or your customer details is in the email, log in to My Account. There, you can see all the actual orders you’ve made and check the order status and invoice numbers. Enter the website address manually in the address bar of your browser to avoid being tricked by fraudulent websites.

Our Tip and Service for You: If you’re ever unsure, just send us an email at Important Notes on Protecting Your Data

In today’s connected world, unauthorised access to personal information is something we all need to be wary of. It’s a big challenge, no doubt.

Since privacy is our top priority, we invest in the security of our systems and constantly keep an eye on them. When you buy online from our website, you trust us with your information. The security of this information is crucial to us. Since you can also take steps to protect your information from unauthorised access, here’s some advice on handling your information safely.

How can I protect my personal information?

  • Protect your customer account and also your computer, laptop, or mobile device with secure passwords and PIN codes that only you know! Also, make sure to log out after every online purchase on the website.
  • Always use your passwords for just one account! Never use a password for different providers or portals. Check if you can also use the same password for our website on other websites. If this is the case, we strongly advise you to change all passwords immediately.
  • Don’t write down your passwords in an easily accessible location. Again, make sure that only you have access to the passwords.

How do I create a secure password?

  • Passwords should be chosen so they can't be easily guessed, like no common words from everyday life or the names of your relatives. To make the password even more secure, use a mix of uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and special characters.

Are There Any Other Things I Should Consider?

  • If you ever use a public computer, always make sure you log out after visiting
  • If you get unsolicited emails without clear contact, asking you to provide the website passwords or payment details, please ignore them and contact us immediately at, and we’ll look into these incidents.


If you get unsolicited emails without clear contact, asking you to provide the website passwords or payment details, please ignore them and contact us immediately at, and we’ll will look into these incidents.

© 2024

    • American Express
    • Apple Pay
    • Mastercard
    • PayPal
    • Visa


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